How to have a Stress-Free Christmas

Adorable baby having fun near Christmas tree being lifted by someone and the baby enjoying

The holidays can be one of the most fun and exciting times of the year – but they can also be one of the most stressful. And it’s no wonder, with presents to buy, decorations to put up, parties to organise, so much food to cook, and all this on top of your usual day-to-day commitments! We don’t want stress to get the better of anyone these holidays, so we’ve put together some tips for having a stress-free Christmas.

  1. Planning. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Planning ahead for the Christmas season will make all your tasks seem more manageable. You’ll be able to keep track of what’s already been done, what you still need to be done and when, instead of rushing around trying to get everything organised at the last minute.
  2. Delegate. Remember you don’t have to do every single thing yourself. Once you’ve written out your to-do list, assign everyone in your household one task of their own. This could be anything from putting up the tree to being in charge of the Christmas dinner shopping list to writing out Christmas cards. Your list will instantly shrink, and it’s a great way to get your family into the Christmas spirit.
  3. Have a go-to de-stress activity. Think of something you love doing that doesn’t take much time, and do it anytime you’re feeling overwhelmed. Set five minutes aside to make a cup of tea, do some meditation, or listen to your favourite song – anything that gives you the space to calm down before you refocus on the task at hand.
  4. Exercise. With so much on over the holiday period finding time to exercise can be hard. But not only will doing a little bit here and there help you feel better about eating all those delicious Christmas treats, exercise is also a great way to de-stress since it releases endorphins! Whether you like going for a run, doing some yoga, or even taking the kids to the park, finding a spare hour to work out will definitely help you keep your stress in check.
  5. Stop working and have fun. It can be easy to keep worrying and working right through the Christmas season, trying to make sure everything is perfect and everyone else is having a good time. But you need to have fun too! Set yourself a cut-off point when you stop preparing and start enjoying yourself. Spend time with your friends and family, eat some yummy food, give and receive presents – that’s what Christmas is for!

What do you do to stay stress-free at Christmas? Let us know on our Facebook page!