Create New Family Traditions this Christmas Season

Mother and Father and daughter trying to bake father and daughter weating a santa hat

There are some Christmas traditions that we all recognise. Things like putting up the tree, leaving cookies out for Santa and going to carols by candlelight are all activities that immediately make you think of Christmas. But that doesn’t mean you can’t create new traditions! Start to build your own special new family traditions for this Christmas season.

If you’re just starting out with creating your own family Christmas traditions don’t worry. Traditions can be as big or small as you want. Try out some simple activities to bring your family together that you can do each year. For example, set aside a weekend as Christmas preparation time and spend it baking Christmas treats, making new decorations and listening to your favourite Christmas songs. Then, once the weekend is over, you can give out bundles of cookies, cakes and personalised decorations as gifts to your friends and extended family.

As Christmas gets closer spend an evening with your family driving around your neighbourhood and looking at Christmas lights. Everyone can choose their favourite display and, when you get home, make a Christmas drawing or painting of the house they liked best. These can then be strung up on the walls as special Christmas decorations.

Let your kids choose their own decorating theme for their bedroom each year. They might be inspired by their favourite Christmas movie, their favourite colour, or something they’ve seen at school. It doesn’t matter if it’s not traditional – encourage them to let their imagination run free!

Make wrapping presents more fun by creating your own wrapping paper. Sheets of butcher’s paper are perfect for this. Spread them out along with a range of paints, glitter, multi-coloured paper or whatever you have on hand. You can cut out snowflakes and glue them on, make red and green handprints or paint pictures of Santa on his sleigh. When you’re finished, set the paper aside to dry for several hours before you start wrapping.

On Christmas Eve start a special ritual you can do year in, year out. Pick a Christmas movie your family all love and watch it together while snacking on special festive season move snacks like red and green lollies or mince pies. Before the kids go to bed take inspiration from some European countries and let them open one present the night before! If they’re still too excited to sleep, have a traditional Christmas story ready to read them while they’re lying in bed.

Does your family have any new traditions for the Christmas season? Tell us what they are on our Facebook page!