6 Hacks to Save Money this Christmas

Christmas gifts and pinecone under a christmas tree - 6 Hacks to Save Money this Christmas

Are you looking for ways to save a bit of money gift shopping this Christmas? We’ve come up with 6 hacks to help you make money and save money whilst looking for the perfect gift for loved ones.

  1. Pre-Christmas Clean Up!

A Garage Sale is the perfect two-birds-one-stone situation, and pre-Christmas is the perfect time for your trash to become someone else’s treasure.

Set aside a few hours to clear out obsolete items around the house. Secondhand clothes, books, jewellery, furniture and sporting equipment can we sold online or host your own sale, giving you a few extra clams before the festive season.

  1. DIY Christmas Cards

Not only is it fun to create your own Christmas cards, but store-bought Christmas cards are surprisingly expensive once you’ve covered everyone on your list. Simply purchase some basic cardboard and glue, then use images, paper, ribbons, photos and glitter to make beautiful personalised cards that your friends and family will cherish as much as the gift!

  1. Give online gifts to loves from afar

Overseas shipping can really put a dent in the gift budget, but these days there are so many ways to send a gift without anything physically moving at all! Buy store vouchers that can be emailed, have a look at Groupon for great deals on ‘experiences’, or order gifts online and have them sent directly to your loved ones, allowing shipping costs to be absorbed by someone else!

For a fun alternative to a card, why not record a video message on your phone or iPad?

  1. Like and Share

 Nearly all brands nowadays have a social media presence, and understand the importance of it in their marketing strategies. As such, you’ll commonly see giveaways and special deals available on these platforms, so make sure you’re following your favourite retailers like, The Christmas Cart on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!

5. Find last years gift cards!

It’s time to hunt in the back of your wallet and your top bedside drawer – you’re bound to find a gift card someone gave you nearly exactly 12 months ago that has a few weeks before it’s expiry date. It’s now the perfect time to use these to purchase Christmas gifts for others without using anything from your bank account!


Make a list and check it twice.

Having a budget and actually sticking to it is the most effective way to save money all year round, but it’s easy to stray from at Christmas time. Putting aside that extra time to be organised pays off (literally) in the long run, so be sure to track your spending in your own spreadsheet, or download one of hundreds of Apps available on your phone.

In this vein, it’s also great to start thinking about next Christmas. Shop the sales, consider if there’s anything from this year you can save and reuse, put things on layby, and shop the sales.