Discover the A to Z of Christmas Food

A-Z of Christmas Food - Discover the A to Z of Christmas Food

What will you be serving for Christmas this year? From your favourite desserts, alcohol and festive snacks, take a look at our A to Z of Christmas food.

A for Apple Sauce. Serve sauces around your dinner table to complement your meats. Applesauce is perfect for glazed ham.

B for Biscotti. Bake your crisp and crunchy Christmas biscotti in advance to save time on the big day.

C for Crackling. Add a beautiful crisp crackling to your glazed Christmas meats.

D for Desserts. Festive desserts are the perfect way to end your Christmas feast.

E for Eggnog. The quintessential American Christmas drink can be made with or without the brandy or rum, so the whole family can enjoy it.

F for Festive Finger Foods. Whether you’re having a family barbeque or bringing a plate to a Christmas party, we have many Christmas finger foods for every gathering on our blog and Pinterest page.

G for Gingerbread. Whether its in the shape of a reindeer, man or house, have some fun with decorating gingerbread this season.

H for Ham. Hot or cold, this festive food will make for great next-day nibbles.

I for Ice cream. The perfect side dish to add to your traditional Christmas pudding.

J for Jam. Yummy berry spreads are great for your desserts or for a gift to take home.

K for Kiwi Fruit. Get creative with kiwi fruit and create a healthy Christmas tree fruit platter with strawberries for the decorations.

L for Lamb. Cold meat cuts are perfect for a hot Australian Christmas. Roast your lamb, turkey or ham ahead of time then all you have to do on the day is slice them up, put them on platters and serve!

M for Marshmallow Cupcakes. Create the cutest Snowman cupcakes with mini Marshmallows.

N for Nutmeg. A warming nutmeg in your Christmas cocktails or traditional glass of eggnog.

O for Oysters. Make the most of our summer seafood by adding some oysters to your menu.

P for Pudding. When the fruity smell of traditional festive pudding fills the kitchen, you know Christmas is near!

Q for Quinoa. For a healthy alternative, try adding quinoa and prunes into your Christmas pudding.

R for Roast Dinner. From a traditional roast to modern versions, Christmas isn’t the same without your family’s favourite roast dinner.

S for Seafood. One of the best things about the warm weather of an Australian Christmas is the fresh seafood platters!

T for Trifle. Trifles are very easy to make. Simply layer the ingredients at your own pace and offer around to your guests with ice cream and seasonal fruit.

U for Upside-Down Cake. Try something a bit different by making a simple but stunning upside down cake to add to your dessert menu.

V for Vegetarian Dishes. Take a break from traditional Christmas meats and don’t forget to provide a vegetarian option at your Christmas feast.

W for Wine. Discover what kinds of wine will best suit the food you are serving for Christmas dinner and impress your guests with your knowledge.

X for Xmas Cookbooks. Get some more festive cooking ideas with a tone of Xmas cookbook recipes.

Y for Yule log. Indulge in a yummy Yule chocolate log filled with creamy vanilla icing.

Z for Zesty Lemon. There are lots of ways to incorporate lemon in your Christmas cooking – a lemon and herb stuffing, lemon cheesecake or even a soufflé.

For more creative Christmas cooking ideas check out our Pinterest page!