Christmas Shopping Checklist

Christmas Shopping - With a woman holding a credit card and shopping bags

Shopping at Christmas time can be an overwhelming experience! If you’re not prepared you might find yourself being stressed out by the crowds and worried you’ve forgotten a gift for someone. But Christmas shopping doesn’t have to feel so hectic. We like to create a Christmas shopping checklist to help keep ourselves on track!

Step 1
Make a list of everyone you’ll need to buy Christmas gifts for, including family, friends, parents, neighbours, teachers, colleagues. Once you’ve jotted down everyone you can think of, read through the list in case you might have forgotten someone the first time around. Once you’re happy with your list, divide it into groups. You’ll probably buy more gifts for your children and family members, so put them in one group. If you have gifts in mind for your friends, add them into the second group. The people you’re giving a token of appreciation, like your kids’ teachers, can then be grouped together as well. This will give your list some structure and it won’t feel as intimidating.

Step 2
Start shopping early. Finding gifts throughout the year is a great way to go into the holiday season feeling more prepared. But even if you’re starting from scratch, you can keep your shopping under control if you start looking for presents in late November and early December. This way you can avoid the last-minute rush! Another way to get ahead is to look online for gifts. Online shopping can be less time consuming than walking from shop to shop and many online shops will also wrap your gifts for you before they deliver them to your home or workplace.

Step 3
Set a budget. This can be overall or for each person. Just make sure you stick to it! When you get caught up in the spirit of Christmas and start enjoying the experience of choosing gifts for your loved ones, it can be easy to go overboard. You’ll thank yourself later if you have a budge set from day one.

Step 4
Buy for the hardest person first. We all know someone who is notoriously hard to buy gifts for. If you set out right at the start to find a gift for this person you’ll have plenty of time to search for the perfect present. Plus you won’t be stressing out right before the big day, rushing around in the crowds trying to think of something they’ll like. Leave the easiest gifts for last, when you have less time and just want to tick something off your list.

Step 5
Prepare for next year. Start looking for gifts in the Boxing Day sales when things are on sale. These don’t have to be for anyone in particular – you can revisit them next year and be happy you’re ahead of the pack already!

Do you have a Christmas shopping checklist? What are your foolproof steps? Let us know on Facebook!