Christmas Clean Up Plan

Santa Laundry
Catching up with friends and family throughout the Christmas season is one of the highlights of the year. But having people constantly in and out of your home can get messy quickly. Nobody wants to be worrying about whether or not the house is up to scratch during a festive celebration, so we’ve found some quick and easy tips to help keep things under control on the home front.

The simplest thing you can do to ensure your home stays tidy throughout the Christmas season is to have a thorough clean up beforehand. It’s much easier to mop up spills and cleaning up after guests if you have a spotless foundation. Set aside a few hours to do a big tidy-up, remembering everything from vacuuming and mopping, washing and putting away dishes, dusting and finding your Christmas decorations to smaller things like ensuring you have enough plates and glasses, bin liners or spare light bulbs.

Once your house is tidy and you have all your festive decorations and linen ready, it’s time for a stocktake. Many of us tend to keep things we haven’t used in years “just in case”. This is the perfect time to figure out whether or not you really need all your decorations, Santa hats or festive tea towels. If you have more than enough why not give your local charity shop an early Christmas present and donate the things you don’t need. You’ll be doing a good deed and clearing out some extra space, where you can store the things you do want to keep.

So that you can keep on top of cleaning maintenance over the Christmas period make sure you have a good supply of cleaning products. There’s nothing more frustrating than being caught after a big party and having to rush out to the shops, so remember to check you inventory right at the start of your party season.

Finally get your other family members or housemates involved and share out the workload. You can draw up a cleaning timetable or set aside some time each day to take care of the small things, like dirty dishes and emptying rubbish and recycling bins.

Do you have a Christmas cleaning routine? Head over to our Facebook page and let us know!