How to get your Kids involved in Christmas Preparation

How to get your kids involved in christmas preparation - Child kissing her mother in the head happy while wearing a santa hat

A great tip to take the stress off yourself during the lead up to Christmas is to involve the rest of your family in your Christmas preparation activities rather than trying to complete everything yourself. Get the kids into the Christmas spirit with these ideas.

Decorating the Tree – Kids love putting up the Christmas tree as it marks the start of Christmas and is something the whole family can enjoy. Let them hang their own personalised bauble with their name on it and help them add the star to the top of the tree.

Christmas Cards – If you print out your address labels on stickers for your Christmas cards, let your kids stick them on the envelopes along with the stamps, while you write out the cards.

Wrapping Presents – Get the kids to help you wrap the Christmas presents. Let them watch you do it first then get them to wrap easy things such as boxes.

Christmas Baking – Have some fun baking Christmas goodies with the kids. Let them choose what you are going to make and decide on the decorations.

Peeling Vegetables – If you need some extra help in the kitchen, they can help you peel the vegetables and mix the salads to encourage them to eat healthy.

Setting the Table – If you have personalised bon bons or baubles with your children’s name on them they might find this task a bit more fun. As they act as place settings, they will get to choose where each guest sits. 

Stacking the Dishwasher – At the end of the day, after baking and cooking, the quicker the last task is done, the faster you can enjoy celebrating the most wonderful time of the year.

Let us know if you have any other ideas for getting your kids involved in Christmas preparation on our Facebook page!