Christmas Traditions Around the World

When we think of Christmas here in Australia, we picture a hot summers day, opening our presents from under the tree and an extravagant lunch that we end up eating for days! This however, isn’t how everyone celebrates Christmas. Below are some interesting and wonderful traditions from around the world that you probably didn’t know about!

Christmas in Russia
In Russia, Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January due to the Orthodox calendar. New Year’s Day marks the start of the Christmas season and many Russians fast until Christmas Eve before beginning a twelve course feast in honour of the twelve apostles.

Christmas in Sweden
Every year in Sweden, a traditional giant straw Yule Goat in the town square marks the beginning of the holiday season. Each year since 1966 arsonists try to burn down the goat before Christmas Day becoming an infamous annual event. To this day, the Yule Goat has only survived until Christmas Day ten times!

Christmas in Italy
In Italy, children are spoilt with gifts both on Christmas Eve and in early January. On Ephiphany Eve, January 5th, an old witch ‘La Befana’ brings their Christmas toys and candy riding a broomstick through chimneys. Children will leave wine and food out for the Befana instead of milk and cookies.

Christmas in Norway
In Norway, there is a superstition that all household brooms must be hidden on Christmas Eve. Norwegians believe that long ago witches and evil spirits would come out on Christmas Eve and steal their brooms to fly through the sky.

Christmas in Slovakia
In Slovakia, there is a traditional Christmas dish called Loska, made out of bread, poppy seed and water. At the beginning of Christmas Eve dinner, families take a spoonful of Loska and throw it up to the ceiling. It is believed that the more mixture that sticks to the ceiling, the richer the family’s crops will be the following year.

These are a few of many different traditions that take place around the world. No matter how you celebrate Christmas or what traditions you have formed, the most important thing is that you spend time with your loved ones and enjoy the day.