Christmas Traditions from Around the World

When we think of Christmas here in Australia, we picture a hot summers day, opening our presents from under the tree and an extravagant lunch that we end up eating for days! This however, isn’t how everyone celebrates Christmas. Below are some interesting and wonderful traditions from around the world that you probably didn’t know about!

In Japan, it is a Christmas tradition to eat KFC on Christmas Day! KFC is that popular on Christmas day in Japan that you have to book a table in advance if you want to eat in. How much easier would Christmas lunch be if we could just buy KFC for everyone!

In the Philippines, children leave their best polished shoes outside of their bedroom doors on Christmas Eve so that the ‘Three Kings’ can leave candy for them. I love this idea because as soon as the kids open their bedroom door on Christmas morning they are greeted with shoes full of lollies!

In the capital city of Venezuela, all main streets are closed off on Christmas morning so everyone can roller skate to Mass in the morning. The children also tie a piece of string around their big toe and hang it out of their bedroom window. Then when everyone is roller skating past they can pull on the strings of the kids that are sleeping in, although I have never heard of a child sleeping in on Christmas Morning!

In Germany the tradition is for every family to have a glass ornament in the shape of a pickle. The pickle is already hard to find because it’s green, but once the tree is fully decorated, it is hidden by Mum and Dad deep in the branches of the tree to make it extra hard to find. On Christmas morning the first child to find the pickle gets a special present!

These are a few of many different traditions that take place around the world. No matter how you celebrate Christmas or what traditions you have formed, the most important this is that you spend time with your loved ones and enjoy the day.